27 January 2024 

Jeanne Susplugas is exhibiting in a solo exhibition titled Occasions perdues (Lost Opportunities) at the Musée régional d’art contemporain, Sérignan from 27 January through May 12, 2024. The exhibition is curated by Clément Nouet.


The images Jeanne Susplugas presents through her drawings, sculptures, photographs, videos and installations are at first glance seductive - playing on enlargement, accumulation, the softness of shapes and colors, the attractive appearance of a garland of lights or a disco ball - but ultimately reveal a darker, more disturbing subtext. The artist is above all interested in the flaws of the human being, in his inherent complexity in a society she describes as sick, in a completely chaotic world where the dictates of appearance, alienation and over-consumption reign supreme. In her work, words for contemporary ills such as "Aspirin is morning champagne" or "Dependence" intersect with houses, cages and boxes as forms of protection and confinement, drugs and other powders to bring together opposing notions such as care and danger, habit and addiction, chemical formulas for anxiolytics made from disco balls, and immersive augmented-reality installations.

Learn more on the MRAC site.